• Registration

    EnrollingYour Child


    Please follow the link below to access the online registration portal for students new to the WCSD for elementary and middle school Grades.  

    If your student is grade 9-12, please contact the Acalanes Union High School District at 925/280-3900.  

    Aeries Online Student Enrollment
    (we recommend using a laptop or desktop computer as the Enrollment Portal does not work well with mobile phones)  

    Prior to beginning the enrollment process, please be sure to have the following required documents available via PDF to include with your registration:

    You will not be able to complete the process without these required items.

    Please note that while we desire to enroll all of our students in their school of residence, circumstances sometimes necessitate the need to transfer students to another school within the district.

    School office contacts are listed below:

    Buena Vista School:  Shelley Purcell 

    Indian Valley School:  Melissa Cavallo

    Murwood School:  Nancy Kay

    Parkmead School:  Jaine Nejedly

    Walnut Heights School:  Veronica Carrillo

    Walnut Creek Intermediate School:  Ginnie Ferranti

    We look forward to having your student in the WCSD!

    QUESTIONS?  Please contact Brenda Hunter
    phone: 925-944-6850 x2020
    email: bhunter@walnutcreeksd.org

Registration Forms