• SSC Secondary

    What is School Site Council?

    School Site Council (SSC) is a committee of teachers, parents, administrators, and interested community members who work together to develop and monitor the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for a particular school site. Members of the SSC must align to the state requirements (see link to the right) to ensure balanced representation of stakeholder groups.

    The School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) serves as the organizer for an individual school’s improvement process. The SPSA is a plan that establishes the goals for a school’s student achievement, describes the programs, and identifies the funds used by the school to achieve these goals. Each individual school's SPSA is aligned to the district's Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). School Site Councils oversee the SPSA and budgets associated within the plan. School Site Council’s support increases student achievement by focusing their work on the development, monitoring, and evaluation of the SPSA.